CALL FOR CONSULTANTS & EXPERTS ISLANDS, SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Click here to read the Call Clik here to Apply The Observatory on Tourism of the European Islands - OTIE launches in Italy and islands, the call for experts, consultants, and companies, which will aim to guide small and medium-sized tourism enterprises towards the transition to sustainability. This is a planned action of the I-STARS project, Island Sustainable Tourism Action through Resilient SMS, designed with the INSULEUR association and coordinated by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce. The project, supported by the economic contribution of the European Commission, involves Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Italy through the work of partners such as the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce, Insuleur, Vagabond Tour, the Chamber of Commerce of Palma de Mallorca and the Foundation Majorca Tourism and for Italy, the Observatory on Tourism of the European Islands - OTIE. OTIE, will publish a notice addressed to small and medium-sized island enterprises by the end of the year. At least 25 of them will receive a voucher of a maximum value of € 5,600.00 to receive advice from experts and professionals specialized in sustainable tourism. Small and medium-sized businesses on the islands will be able to use the voucher to cover the cost of an assessment of sustainability performance fully; for certification systems and labels; for a strategic plan for sustainable tourism; a marketing plan for sustainable products; for sustainability measures and protocols and energy, green, and other actions. OTIE has just published a call for tender for italian professionals and experts on sustainability issues who intend to be included in a national register to which businesses can turn to allocate their vouchers, obtaining concrete support whose cost is entirely covered by the I-STARS project. The call will remain open after that date until the required number of consultants and experts has been reached. OTIE – SECRETARIAT Osservatorio sul Turismo delle Isole Europee Dott.ssa Maria Luisa Bonomolo Tel. 091 7747102 – cell: 3513064307 Mail: [email protected] ![]() SOCLIMPACT DownScaling CLImate imPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond – H2020 Programme.
SOCLIMPACT aims at modelling downscaled CC effects and their socioeconomic impacts in European islands for 2030–2100, in the context of the EU Blue Economy sectors, and assess corresponding decarbonisation and adaptation pathways, complementing current available projections for Europe, and nourishing actual economic models with non-market assessment, by: • Developing a thorough understanding on how CC will impact the EU islands located in different regions of the world. • Contributing to the improvement of the economic valuation of climate impacts by adopting revealed and stated preference methods. • Increasing the effectiveness of the economic modelling of climate impact chains, through the implementation of an integrated methodological framework (GINFORS, GEM-E3 and non-market indicators). • Facilitating climate-related policy decision making for Blue Growth, by ranking and mapping the more appropriate mitigation and adaptation strategies. • Delivering accurate information to policy makers, practitioners and other relevant stakeholders. SOCLIMPACT addresses completely this Work Programme providing advances in the economic valuation of climateinduced impacts, and in climate and economic models, allowing downscaled projections of complex impact chains, and facilitating the resilience capacity of these vulnerable lands. OTIE is the Scientific and Technical partner engaged in the phases related to the definition of the tools to collect data of the analysis and in the elaboration of the results. ![]() MARE NATURA SICILIA Regional Project to valorize sea resources, including the underwater heritage - 2015.
The project aims to promote the design and realization of tourist routes, even interregional, dedicated to the naturalistic segment. The initiative pursues the aim of placing Sicilian territory on the tourist market segment linked to the "nature" travel motivation in the specific "nature and active tourism" concept associated with the marine element through targeted actions of specialization and territorial diversification. In particular, the project aims to increase the flow of national and international visitors for travel motivations linked to "nature" and the sea, and support the seasonalization development. To this aim the regional and interregional tourist offer destined for this target will be enhanced in a specialized product logic, safeguarding and enhancing the heritage of rarity and uniqueness of the environment and the land and underwater landscape. Then the project will create and expand the network of tourist offer specializing on the needs and needs expressed by the target segment and target conceive and realize tourist destinations targeted and concretely available on the product market: underwater itineraries, fishing, sailing and responsible chartering. To this end, a Memorandum of Understanding between public and private tour operators has been signed, which also includes the continuation of activities at the end of the project. This network can be implemented for adherent and territorial categories. The project involved the municipalities of Communes of Pantelleria, Ustica, Lipari, Malta, Municipalities of Gal Islands of Sicily, Municipalities of Tourist District "Selinunte, Belìce, Sciacca Terme", Municipalities of GAC "The sun and the blue between Selinunte , Sciacca and Vigata ". OTIE gives its support for valorizing the sea resources included the underwater heritage. |
![]() ALTER ECO Alternative tourist strategies to enhance the local sustainable development of tourism by promoting Mediterranean Identity – Interreg Mediterranean Programme. ALTER ECO enhances the local sustainable development of tourism by promoting Mediterranean Identity through the implementation of alternative tourist strategies in 6 pilots co-designed and implemented by public and private stakeholders. The project provides the opportunity of testing, in representative MED cities, used as LIVING LAB, existing methodologies and tools arisen in previous high impact projects in the field of sustainable tourism or proposed by key stakeholders, with the aim of reaching holistic and realistic tourist strategies at local and regional level that allow transferability in the MED territory. Project results will support policy makers to make more informed and integrated decisions for the governance and management of tourism in the Mediterranean and at the same time will enhance the coordination of actions between public and private stakeholders towards the implementation of the raised strategies in order to create new business opportunities. ALTER ECO will contribute to improve knowledge and decision making capacities, including a better use of observation, monitoring and planning in the field of sustainable tourism. OTIE is responsible for testing methods and tools (including ICT tools to monitor sustainable tourism indicators) to identify and design alternative tourist strategies to enhance the local sustainable development of tourism by promoting Mediterranean Identity. Horizontal project website ![]() InnoNauTICs – Innovation for Nautical Development Sector in the Mediterranean Area- MED Programme 2007-2013.
InnoNauTICs is a transnational cooperation project between Mediterranean islands mainly aimed at developing an electronic platform (www.nauticaleurope.com) that will enable the promotion of nautical tourism and will favour cooperation between the entrepreneurial sector and the potential users. Its transnational character and heterogeneity lay, among others, in the fact that nine partners from 4 countries participate in InnoNauTICs, gathering together the main public and private agents operating on insular territories (Chambers of Commerce, Regional Governments and Mediterranean Associations at insular level). The project, promoted by the Network of the Insular Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the European Union (INSULEUR) is funded with nearly 1 million Euros by the EU MED Program. Its aim is to promote innovation amongst the SMEs of the nautical sector, as well as to develop the nautical tourism towards the European islands. Initially, this portal is launched including only the offer of some islands of Spain, Italy, Greece and France, although the goal is to expand to the other islands of the European Union. The project foresees the implementation of five pilot projects in the areas of nautical sports (promoted by the Chamber of Mallorca), historical and natural routes (sponsored by the Association of Greek Chambers EOAEN), training in the sector (promoted by Chamber of Cagliari – Sardinia), archaeological routes (sponsored by the Chamber of Oristano) and a joint exchange programme (promoted by the Chamber of Heraklion – Greece). OTIE was the scientific partner of InnoNauTICs (Innovation for Nautical Development Sector in the Mediterranean Area) Project, as well as, the coordinator of 4 pilot projects. One of this pilot project had the title “Tourism and underwater archaeology: blue routes along the coastlines of Oristano, achieved by Oristano Chamber of Commerce (Sardinia). OTIE defined the methodology for the realization of each pilot project, included the project on the archeological underwater routes. |